Mother’s Day Greetings


Before I begin, thank you to Bing and Google for giving Fay Folk Studios’ Kijiji ad top search ranking! Kijiji claims we’ve only had 12 visits, which, of course, is ridiculous, and not one reply so far. In reading this, Faera tells me she’s worried I sound as though I am filled with impotent rage- the way I see it, the owners of Kijiji are the ones who should be embarrassed, not I. I bet I have more than that many hits only from the people on our street.


The kids made me some digital Mother’s Day cards to celebrate the event so I thought why not show them off here. After all, this is our official sketch blog where we show samples of our graphic art and illustration work to the public. These were a surprise to me, I only saw them last night when they were completed.

Fay did the one to the left, while Daemon the one on the right. Each is imbued with a unique personality and they are lovely! It’s nice to see them where they are able to focus on this because my birthday went by in March and I got paper cards from them then, like they always used to do before I let them run rampant online. Never scanned them because we were still very shaken and not in the right space. Some things are private, after all.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! Especially to those who get no thanks because your kids are too little to appreciate the work you do, or because you are a single parent, or a myriad other reasons why sometimes, moms have to thank themselves for all the hard work that goes into keeping other human beings alive, and that has to be enough emotional sustenance.

I am in the process of planting our lettuce patch- and trying in earnest to stay level with all the eviction threats circulating from their grandparents. We don’t have much to eat today, and yet I am thankful because we are still alive. Don’t know what else to say. There were days in that previous rental when I thought for sure we would die, and after that, we can handle living for 6 months in a little 3-storey house with a ridiculously small amount of furniture and sleeping on the floor with scoliosis.

Bonus is, whatever was blocking the pipes downstairs rotted out on time for Mother’s Day and now there is no longer a blockage and we can use our laundry machine without having to carry a ton of foetid water up a flight of stairs to pour down the toilet. Another great thing is the furnace is no longer used as frequently, so the gas leak is not as strong- although it is still there, and our hair is still falling out, we are still anemic, and weak from the stress on our immune systems.

That’s OK, though, so long as my in laws can make a quick buck flipping our house out from under us on the real estate market without a word of consent from the kids and I. They are doing this while blocking our access to loans, credit, through their “chain of acquaintances”, then claiming we do not deserve it because we cannot pay the mortgage. After all, I live to make octogenarians rich in their golden years, because 10 vacations a year isn’t enough luxury for these people.

Here are direct quotes from a recent email from my father-in-law about our web site. I never sent him the link because I just didn’t want to hear it. Sure enough, he helped himself to the link from my Facebook account:

“As a lay person in the graphic industry I really cannot, in good conscience tell by the very few samples whether any one has the talent good enough to be competitive.”

“I truly believe it is the job of the seller to be honest with the public at all times and not try to sell yourself with false truths.  We all know that Glass Mountain is not an operating company and never has been.  There are other sugar coating quotes that are untrue and misleading.”

“Having to live with a bad furnace and many more totally fabricated and misleading GARBAGE. leads no one to hire this group to do anything.  If anything it will put, Faera in a very bad light in the eyes of the buying public.”

“I implore you … take down the website immediately and get some help from a pro to not only get rid of the misleading Garbage but to suggest a content that would help drive business their way. Also the site has not been positioned well on the web to attract attention. This can only be done by a competent website developer. To leave it up as is, will only develop a negative attitude towards Faera. Please do the right thing. Faera deserves better.”

We don’t need a sense of security, the comfort of home. It’s enough that we’re still around another day to fight for our lives. Filth like us should be happy we’re not on our butts in the gutter.

The work is here, it is competent. Anyone reasonable can see this for themselves.



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