An update regarding Nathaniel Rothschild’s position with the Glass Mountain Corporation.

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rainbow_logogm-jpgHere is our statement regarding Sunday’s post, and the deletion of some other Facebook and Twitter entries from the last few days.

Nathaniel never said he was pulling out of Glass Mountain, I was only upset because someone had impersonated him and made statements that gave me the wrong impression. I had a meeting with Lord Rothschild yesterday afternoon about the direction our company is taking. We talk every day, and that is nothing out of the ordinary, however Monday, he insisted repeatedly he wishes to hold the title of President of Glass Mountain LLC. I feel we must sign a formal contract before changes of this nature are made to the company hierarchy.

Image 1Lord Nathaniel Rothschild is happily married to Loretta Basey since 2017. He is from a long line of filthy rich bankers, and his new wife is the daughter of a middle class accountant. Nathaniel belongs to the jet-setting class, with homes all over the world, whereas Aaron and I have been separated for some time now, and are forced by economic circumstances to reside together in a small Ontario community located 30 minutes from Niagara on the Lake.

Our residence is a modest house situated in a blue collar neighborhood. It is owned by my ex-husband’s stepfather, who appears to be totally unconcerned with the fact that he has failed to take responsibility for his role in upsetting our living circumstances. My in-laws have not been willing to discuss the matter, or disclose financial papers to substantiate claims they can no longer pay the mortgage, and I have not been able to afford a lawyer to defend my interests in the house. Hilton has not been paying the property taxes or utility bills from what I can see, although he claimed repeatedly in court that he has paid the mortgage, I have seen no evidence he has spent his own money on this residence.

Nathaniel worries Aaron will attack him if he visits, and my in-laws have been abusing their influence to prevent him visiting the country. Aaron says Nathaniel doesn’t know I exist, and drops into hysterics when my new business partner’s name is mentioned.

Nathaniel’s parents are also of the opinion that the behavior of others has been insufficiently supportive, and that I deserve to be treated respectfully- in fact, Lord Jacob Rothschild, and the whole Rothschild family feel this situation has gone way too far because of the extreme nature of the abuse of power- it is far from normal!

WIN_20170811_16_38_34_1ProMy primary focus is on our business. Nathaniel works on this project more or less full time since July, long distance from across the globe, while I spend loads of time building this business as well- the project was originally my brainchild, and he more or less leapt on board of his own volition and began to leverage my spearheading efforts in the financial world, because he works as an Internet magnate, mostly. Nathaniel is eager to serve as a character witness if necessary to help support our endeavors. He has dealt with my so-called, “Hillary Clinton’s email scandals”; with the fallout of every nonsense accusation from people I barely even knew since birth, and he’s even more ready than ever to move on!

It was because of my frustration with this scenario, and Rose McGowan’s involvement with the group that blocks us, that I got upset Sunday and moved things around on my Facebook and Twitter accounts while mentioning that my heart was broken. (It is so difficult to find a good friend who cares if you’re happy and safe.)

It is due to the fact that I objected to Rose Tweeting numerous pictures of smoke while I was dealing with the neighbor’s backyard fire hostilities that I informed her I wished to see her thrown out of her New York apartment. It was not long after this I got eviction threats from Aaron’s stepfather. Recently, Rose got a contract for a skin care line, because she threatened to hurt us if Nathaniel didn’t give her access to the funds for this venture. As a result, Nathaniel was in contact with the woman, and I understand she has been distracting him with lurid videos during our business meetings, sent over her iphone. He informs me he has now blocked all transmissions from the woman.

McGowan fell under the eye of the intelligence community when I called to her on Twitter, saying, “I love you, Rose”– out of the blue last year. I suppose you could say I wanted to see how she would handle herself because I was trolling for girlfriends. She has been doing strange things, like ‘The Rose Army’ ever since. I don’t know whose idea it was, but it’s annoying, and Nathaniel didn’t fund her production company, only her cosmetics line. Rose has been using her circle of acquaintances to pressure Nathaniel to send her money. She also appears to moonlight as a dominatrix for older female clients. Some of you will recall that Rose reported an explosion beside her apartment when she first arrived a number of months ago at her present address.

The problem stems from the fact that Lord Rothschild’s mother has Irish Canadian heritage whereas Rose also has an Irish mother, so the IRA connections overlap to some degree, also with Aaron’s Irish mother. It’s enough to make me want to throw myself under a St.Paddy’s Day parade float or drown myself in Irish Coffee. The Irish are my brothers and sisters. My kids are predominantly Irish. My grandmother is crazy about the Irish. I grew up close beside them, that’s all there is to say. We’re all in the same boat.

Thank God these corruption investigations are drawing to a close!

I remind all of you that incidents of pesticide flyovers have been reported to the RCMP, and we have attained full Russian support over Canadian airspace should these events be an issue in the future. Don’t even bother thinking about the SPCA or municipal animal control services as a route of exploration because my partner practically owns the local government.

The Rothschild family have reviewed all materials on file with the Canadian Government, we have been thoroughly tested, and they are satisfied that I am trustworthy. What they have found does not reflect poorly on me, but could very well erupt into the the next Watergate media scandal if we do not proceed with due caution and expediency. Lord Jacob and Lady Serena Rothschild saw nothing disreputable in my emails, in view of peripheral issues, and they would know better than the average what is and is not disreputable.

What matters is that His Lordship’s family are happy about the business partnership, and it is a fit. His Lordship has granted Fay, Daemon and I full security clearance and diplomatic immunity. These people practically own the Canadian Government, and have major voting shares in all of our most significant North American companies, so it is wise to behave accordingly. I am very eager to commence the next chapter in our endeavors and I am certain my fellow Canadians fully appreciate this.

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